Login : Click on New Registration to create a
Login Page |
After clicking on new window
you will get below screen.
Account Creation |
- Click on promoter
- Enter all the details and create user
below message will be displayed as soon as user is
Verification Box |
- Only after you have verified email , then can you login in your
- Once Login through Promoter,First Create the Profile.
- If Promoter is Individual, then select information type
'Individual' and filled the respective details.
After filling the form,Click on save profile to save the form.
My Profile |
Contact Details |
- If Promoter is of type Organization,then select information
type 'Other than individual'. While filling
director details,Select the respective designation and fill the form. After
filling the form,upload the picture and then click on add new member to save
the details. You can edit and delete below.
My Profile |
Partner Details |
- If promoter has launched the projects in last five years, then
the promoter should fill the past experience details. After filling the form click on save
experience. Promoter can edit and delete the form after saving.
Past Experience Details |
- If promoter wants to change the password. Click on change password.
Change Password |
- To add project details, click on add Project. If the
Project status is on going,then click on -going and fill the respective form. After filling the form, click on
project to save the
form. Save forms will be displayed below.
Add Project |
FSI Details |
- If the Project is the new Project, then click on New Project
and fill the respective details. After filling the form, click on add project to save
the form. Save forms will be displayed below.
- To add details of building, click on add building. First select
the project name for which the details of building has to be filled. Before adding
building ,Add Apartment details and then form will be saved.
Add Building |
Common Areas and Facilities:
- This form basically consist of Common areas and facilities
provided by the promoter.
Common Area & Facilities |
- If promoter wants to add the more details about the facilities.
Click on Add More. After filling all the details,Click on Save to save the details
- This form basically consist of total cost required for the
development of project.
- After filling the form,click on save button to save the details.
Add Project Cost |
- In this form,documents are needed to be uploaded, required for
the Project. To upload the document, click on upload button to save the
document. After uploading the document,One can view the document by clicking on
view button.
Document Upload |
Add Project Professional Details:
- In this form,Promoters needs to fill the data of the real
estate agent,Contractor,etc.
- After filling,Click on Add[+] button to save the details.
Add Project Professional Details |
Add Litigations related to the project:
- This form is basically of Case related to project. If there is
any case related to that project,then the promoter has to filled the litigation form
about the project.
Litigation Details |
- This form is
basically of Activity detail about building. First select the Project name and then select the building of that respective project. After
filling all the details click on save, to save the details.
Activity Details |
- If the promoter
wants to withdraw the form,Then promoter can use this form to withdraw the
application. Select the project name to withdraw. Click on Confirm withdrawal to withdraw the application.
Withdrawal Application |
- After filling all the details, click on Confirm and Proceed.
Please note if all the details are correct then only proceed to payment.
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